Wednesday, January 27, 2010

DIY dry cleaning: the green way

i find running errands in the netherlands intimidating. i can get by with my dutch but i am still consumed with anxiety. it's a familiar feeling that i have received in the united states. i finally finished off the kelly-green woollen shell from the beloved vintage coat. i needed to clean it. how many years has it marinated in the fine dust of greyed living?

going into a dutch dry cleaning and ask to clean this sad green shell? i've never even gone to a dry cleaners before and i wouldn't even know where to begin. communicating in a different language is intimidating to me on all levels.

the internet to the rescue! chemicals used in these dry cleaning places are "harmful to the environment" anyway. some flour and bran in the oven, spread it on the coat, wrap it in a towel and leave it for 3 days. here's to hoping & doing.

i abandoned my daily brunch routine of consuming pasta upon awakening. today i had a bowl of yogurt and muesli and a slice of hagelslag. lekker hoor!

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