Sunday, August 24, 2008

why i cannot deny this love of the interweb

i've always been horrid with being up-to-date in internetland. speaking of all things horrid, my pool of of english vocabulary words, cliches, and idioms that i regularly pull from has markedly decreased as my skill in the spanish language has increased. my perfect track record of spelling all words correctly is starting to show some blemishes. i'd like to think that my personal cerebral area that governs languages would have say ... infinite space, but it does not seem so.

my relationship with internetland is cautious at best. i have made some beautiful writings that i had posted back when livejournal was more alive than it is now that i am quite proud of. as i packed my bags this summer to oaxaca, i made the off-hand comment that maybe i could start blogging about my experience. i recieved a 'tsk' response. within my motley crew of anti capitalists, one can only authentically impart their wisdom through paper then send it circulating through the hands of friends to friends-of-friends. then the real badge of honor will come when the zine is displayed in some local infoshop.

as someone who has experienced the full extent of alienation and isolation (and am aware of the cop out 'i am only a product of my socialization waah waah waah and that what is important is to first, realize this, before setting about to resocialize myself) and someone who had JUST become comfortable walking into my own local infoshop, the internet was my free literature. now that my comfort threshold has reestablished itself, and i have been happily introduced to a whole host of literature and information that i can't wait to gobble up, i just want to give tribute to those who do put the time and effort to post writings on the internet. it may be seen as less authentic but it may reach other people who were like me in their young'un dayz.